Getting hired outside of Japan

I’ve been trying to teach in Japan for a while. Ended up cancelling plans when the pandemic started. I’ve been looking again but most ads on gaijinpot say must currently reside in Japan. Are employers still not allowed to bring over teachers?

  1. Nope.

    I work for Interac and they’ve got tons of teachers on standby. They’ve been waiting since the start of the year, and with state of emergencies and the fact that vaccinations for the elderly have just begun (I can’t get mine until SEPTEMBER), I doubt you’ll be able to get a job this year, sorry 🙁

  2. The situation for working/entering Japan right now is bad. Best to invest in yourself or save up some money until the situation stabilizes.

    I know a lawyer for amazon Japan who can’t even get back in the country and has to work from the US right now. Its effecting everyone who isn’t already a national.

  3. Still no. You can still apply for those positions though! The companies might still want to have someone in the bag for when the borders open up. Thats my situation. Im even teaching online with the company now. Definitley apply!

  4. I have my CoE and will be heading to the consulate today to give my information. My company has also told me that they have a stamp from the educational board to secure my entry.

    That being said, i still have not purchased a flight out because i have my doubts. My initial interview with the company was all the way back in october.

  5. I have had a job offer since November and a CoE since around the middle of December and I’ve still had no chance to enter. There is going to be a considerable backlog of teachers when things reopen.

  6. >Are employers still not allowed to bring over teachers

    Companies, no. Making money off renting out unskilled workers isn’t a priority.

    International schools can bring in qualified real teachers if they will be forced to cancel classes without having that person here.

  7. Even when you get to Japan, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to be smooth sailing.

    I arrived in May after waiting 10 months to get a spousal visa. I thought that it would be so easy to get a teaching job, since a) I was in Japan b) I had a spousal visa, so a company wouldn’t have to worry about sponsoring me and c) I have a TEFL certificate and previous teaching experience in China and Russia. But holy cow, after countless applications (with LOTS of paperwork and application materials) I have yet to receive a concrete offer. Some companies just ghosted me, others are waiting to determine what classroom conditions will be like in September (i.e. virtual vs. in-class)…

    Plus, it seems that a lot of companies are scaling back to part-time positions so they can weasel out of providing benefits.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m super happy to be with my husband now, but job hunting in Japan has been incredibly frustrating. If you want to find a decent-paying full-time position with halfway normal working hours… you will really have to work for it.

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