Do any of you find JET Programemes toxic?

The people there can be kinda mean from what I’ve seen in the community.

  1. Typical snowflake circlejerk. I liked the post today seething at Pewdiepie.

  2. Once or twice they’ve been warnings to tone down the anti-japan jokes that crossed the border into ‘racist’, but I haven’t really seen anything I’d describe as ‘toxic’.

  3. I wouldn’t generalize all JETs from what you see on this subreddit. People can be toxic no matter where you go. I have met my fair share of jerks here, but I have met a lot of amazing people, too.

    Also, remember that people are quick to point out the negatives on the internet, and don’t always highlight the positive things. 🙂

  4. A lot of JETs are straight out of university/college and haven’t quite grown up yet. Many keep this university/college mentality when they get to Japan.

    That’s why you’ll have toxic people, you’ll get cliques and stupid drama.


    But on the flipside there are some people that can walk and talk and they’re half alright. Just learn which ones they are and tune out the rest.

  5. You come here for your reasons, and your reasons alone. Let other people do what they came for, even if they came for nothing at all. Not every JET is here living the dream, but that has no effect on you unless you create that effect yourself. You do you, let them do them, and associate with people you feel alignment with. Aside from that, there’s really no reason to worry about other people. They aren’t here for the same reasons you are, so even if they are toxic and negative, so what. As long as you don’t become toxic and negative because of them, there’s nothing worth worrying about.

  6. thats gonna be every job you have from now to the end of time.

    Assholes. Assholes everywhere. Just learn to tune out the ones that are not worth listening to, and keep the ones you call friend close. thats all you can do.

    Edit: I didn’t even notice it says programMEMES. 🤣 Hell nah, those guys are cool. 🙂

  7. That’s just life. Anywhere you go will always have some toxic folk. However, I will say JET tends to draw in interesting breeds of people, from one end of the spectrum to the other.

  8. Not JET programemes specifically but pretty much everything Japan related on the English speaking community tends to be a bit toxic. I think that one is probably slightly less toxic than usual since people tend to show their faces and use their real names on Facebook, lol.

  9. Yes it’s the biggest reason why I don’t socialize with any other jets. Girls tend to be easy going but guys always have something to prove imo. Also Jet just attracts the worst of the worst sometimes.

  10. I got invited on their by a friend and it was pretty much just a bunch of immature kids imho.

    The memes I saw were things like “Omg your face when you don’t know your schedule for months”

    And I’m just sitting there thinking like “you can’t just ask for your schedule”.

    Maybe I’m old but a lot of the stuff I saw them going on about was kinda annoying whining what would be easily enough solved by doing simple things like, making a phone call, or asking someone a question for clarification if you aren’t sure. I guess they have social anxiety or something but it just seems pointless to me.

    Some of the posts making fun of JETS were funny, particularly liked the “That sign can’t stop me because I can’t read” format making fun of the Gaijin smash. But I was on it maybe a couple months right after it got started and quickly left after it started to get loads of people. Haven’t seen it in years now but these things always go through a kind of lifecycle where it starts and it’s really funny, it gets lots of attention and more people and someone starts drama or is a bit too edgy and you’ve gotta get mods to step in, mods invariably suck and create more drama, funny people all leave due to the novelty having worn off or mods chucking them, all that’s left us just kind of passive agressive snark I hate my life shit and the same two funny jokes getting recyled over and over again.

  11. Sorry to say but the amount of yellow fever is extremely high within the JET community and it’s… something

  12. I love how some jets say stuff like “other jets are bad” “have something to prove” and stuff like that. LIKE YOU ARE LITERALLY ONE OF THE JETS. You can’t say stuff like that and be like “oh except for me I’m the only good one” lol

  13. I used to post on there a lot back when it first came online. Like a lot.

    The memes were more just making fun of the weird situations you find yourselves in at that point in time, and taking cracks at the English Teaching system and some of the more absurd things you come across.

    After a while it devolved into a weird work/life complaint page, where everything was just short stories of dysfunctional JETs falling apart at their schools and blaming everything/everyone but themselves. Not to mention weird promotion posts of people selling their anime stickers and stuff. There are still a lot of very unhinged people on that page that go there to get their group therapy and everyone agreeing that they are perfect and everyone else is wrong. The political side of the page is also madness, and if you don’t fall in line with everyone’s thinking you will get roasted into oblivion by the hive mind haha.

    Every now and then you get some good memes these days, that aren’t drama. But it devolved into a circle jerk of sob stories and politics, and everyone group hugging about their piss poor communication skills at work.

    But I still love going on there and reading all the arguments and absolutely bizarre sob stories/drama, it’s basically all I use Facebook for these days.

  14. I don’t get the anti-weeb sentiment here. I mean, I know reddit is a cesspool and if you swim in a cesspool you’re going to get dirty, but it just doesn’t make sense. So what if other people came here because they’re weebs? So what if they’re the biggest weebs to ever weeb in the weebiverse? So the fuck what? What does that have to do with what you’re doing here? It seems to me if someone came here to weeb the fuck out, they’re having a great time doing it and enjoying themselves, and people here are laughing at them calling them names, they’re not the ones with the problem. It’s like, don’t have fun doing shit unless I do that same shit too.

  15. It’s the /r/japancirclejerk of Facebook, which is saying something.

  16. Hell yeah it’s a cesspool of immature idiots. It used to be fun and genuine but then it got too big and admins didn’t get any stricter.

    There would be a shitty stock photo of someone going 🤷🏼‍♀️ and then a 2 page essay complaining about one interaction with a JTE by someone who is clearly just depressed and/or fragile. Then they label that as a meme.

    There were also too many people making fun of teachers, students, students work (some morons even posting pictures of their work which is illegal).

    If you get sucked into an environment like that you’ll start to think they’re right. It’ll stunt your ability to make any meaningful relationships while you’re here.

  17. I like that guy who posts all the bean memes.
    Totally not him, btw. Totally.

  18. I remember joining that group for a week because a friend showed me a couple funny memes. But promptly left the group because most memes weren’t even memes, and the comment sections were cesspools of people with no sense of humor. It’s a meme page and they take it way too seriously.

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