Trying to go to a Japanese university in 2025, please help me get started.

Hello, I am 15 years old male (16 in 2023, grade 11), I am currently from Australia NSW, I am Vietnamese (5 years in Vietnam) and I was born in Russia (4 years in Russia), I am a PR in Australia, I have a Vietnamese and Russian passport. I am have to go to a Japanese university, and I have to live in Japan after university. Right now I know absolutely nothing, please help me get started, it would also be nice if I could apply for a scholarship. I speak English, Vietnamese, and Japanese. Sorry for the very vague information, I hope to discuss more.

  1. Why do you “have” to go to a Japanese university or live in Japan? Is there some actual necessity, such as family moving or similar (that could possibly mean a dependent visa, if still under 18)? Or do you just mean you would like to go to Japan?

  2. >I am a PR in Australia

    Out of curiosity, if you leave Australia for a few years to pursue an education in Japan would you lose this status (and hence potentially run into difficulties if you ever wanted to return)?

    Have a look at []( and see if that helps answer your questions. Its run by the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO).

    In general, in order to the most out of a Japanese education you’d need to study in Japanese. Typically schools will require foreign applicants to hold JLPT N2 or higher before they would consider an application. Check or r/LearnJapanese for some language learning advice.


    > it would also be nice if I could apply for a scholarship

    The main scholarship program for foreign students is the MEXT scholarship. You can search about this sub for more information, as well as studyinjapan website I previously linked, or even the dedicated sub r/mext

    Some general advice; Unless there is some outside influence forcing you to move to Japan you should focus more on finding and pursuing the best possible education to enable the career you’d like to have. Your current school should have some aptitude tests and other information to help you make an informed decision regarding your professional future. Once you’ve figured that part out, then look for the best possible school you can get into. You may find that the best possible school is somewhere you never previously considered.

  3. Australia has the Australian National University which offers study abroad options and is pretty easy to get into, has an excellent research reputation, is better than almost every japanese university, and offers a degree in languages including japanese.

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