Japan portable Wi-Fi scam?

Pocket-Wi-Fi scam?

Hi all,

I booked a pocket Wi-Fi (late) last night on the following website.


All looked fine when booking , I received a confirmation email and didn’t notice any other obvious red flags at the time.

However when I went on the website this morning to get a bit more details, I noticed all the reviews seem to be made up , no external links work and it seems someone has just copied and pasted whole website from ‘foxwifi’ changing the wording slightly , but at times leaving the foxwifi name in place of their own : https://foxwifi.tokyo/en.

I cannot find mention of this company or website anywhere despite supposedly trading since 2004.

I am very cornered now as they already have my card and passport details!

Has anyone used or heard of this platform before?

1 comment
  1. Checked out the website. Support phone number is Italian. Company name does not exist. Representative David Shimano. Not impossible but veeery unusual. No links working. If I was you I’d change your credit card right away.

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