Should I give a gift to my lawyer after a favorable ruling?

Weird question. I hired a layer to assist me with a fairly simple legal matter. The matter has been resolved in my favor. I was discussing with friends and my Japanese in-laws, it seems to be 50/50 on if a gift would be appropriate. He was very professional and detailed throughout the case. I would like to get him a small gift like some good tea, or a nice pen. Nothing extravagant just a small token of my appreciation for his work. Also is it inappropriate to have it sent to his office or should I deliver it personally?

  1. Assuming you paid him, your transaction is complete. Add him to your Christmas card/nengajo list is you want to be chummy.

  2. Payment for the work, thank you and a mention that you’ll recommend him should suffice

  3. No need, but it is certainly fine to send something simple. Delivering it personally is probably too much.

  4. A small box of food item, chocolate, cookies with a thank you card or note is always a good idea. sending it might be good unless you have a postmortem/wrap up meeting with the lawyer then take with you.

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