Feedback from English teachers in Japan needed

My name is Daniel, an English teacher working in Macau. I am currently at the end of my second year of my PhD programme in Education, and I would like to invite secondary / high school English teachers from around the globe to participate in a questionnaire survey.

My research is to understand teachers’ ideas and preferences in their teaching pedagogy in TESOL, and it involves a questionnaire survey aiming to understand secondary English teachers’ perceptions of the use of Drama-in-Education (DiE) in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). If you happen to be a secondary English teacher, your response in this questionnaire will be greatly appreciated. The questionnaire will take around 15-20 minutes, but it will be a great help to the teaching communities.


If you have any connection to other secondary or high school English teachers, please feel free to share this link with them. Should you have any questions about my study or this questionnaire, you can kindly contact me on LinkedIn or via email

Thank you in advance for all your kind assistance!
(Response rate has been low so far, so your help is really appreciated!)

  1. Just a heads’ up, I think you mean “someWHAT significant/insignificant” not someHOW.

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