Looking for Japanese novel recommendations

I’m living in Japan and have recently been going to my local library and checking out books to do more input studying but there are so many books I don’t know where to begin. I’m hoping to build vocabulary through input in a more relaxed way, so my ideal book is something of moderate difficulty and relatively short (100 – 200 pages). I also prefer more realistic fiction as opposed to fantasy settings because I’m trying to make my Japanese sound more natural.

For reference I found 魔女の宅急便 to be a bit easy and recently have read 花のベッドで昼寝して and レキシントンの幽霊 and thought those were a good level of difficulty for me. Does anyone have any recommendations for novels.

  1. I like the recommendations u/dokushoclub offered quite a bit.

    I’d also like to suggest that if you’re still in the relative early stages of breaking into reading Japanese, short stories are always a great option.

    When I was just starting out, I devoured pretty much every short story collection I could by both 村上春樹 and 筒井康隆 and can’t recommend them highly enough. 飛浩隆 is another great science fiction author, though his works may present somewhat more of a challenge.

  2. キノの旅 is a great set of short stories. It is an excellent N3 level book. And every story is in a different country/environment so it means the vocabulary changes from one chapter to the next.

    and the stories make you think/reflect.

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皆さまおはよう。 私はポランド人です。 Michałowski Przemysław (ミハウオフスキプシェミスアフ) です。 私は長い日本語を学んできました。 ハイシングの本から漢字を学ぶことから学習を始めましたは始めましたkyou教科書で学んでいるが誰か対話を始めたい。じました。 私の国では日本語を知っている人はほとんどいません。 私は日本語で初心者です。