Abe Shinzo’s assassin achieved his political goals

Abe Shinzo’s assassin achieved his political goals


  1. A lot of people sympathize with him as well.

    These whole event can be a case for philosophy & morality studies.

  2. The Economist is a neocon, neoliberal rag that runs cover for the right wing junta ruling Japan masquerading as a democratically elected party by running with the feeble excuse that demographics is the reason for 30 years of constant economic failure.

  3. My understanding from talking to Japanese friends is something additional to what is stated here. They said it’s shameful that this cult was supported by the LDP but is actively supporting North Korea which is lobbing missiles over japan. Assuming that’s all true it means LDP was supporting a threat to National security.

    That’s a different level than getting money from gullible older people. But not sure details but that’s sorta the Japanese perspective it seems.

  4. So did Abe. He is getting more of his talking points pushed through in death than he did while alive.

    Japanese military 2 electric bogaloo here we come!

  5. If only he had waited a few more days until after the election to give the opposition the chance to win a few more seats here and there (not like LDP was gonna lose), or had done the deed a few months earlier to actually affect the election in a more positive way once the LDP’s Mooney problem was brought to light.

    Either way, Abe’s gone so it’s a win.

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