How to register a bicycle acquired from deceased owner

My friend died and their family couldn’t bring back all their stuff to their home country so they sold or gave away what they could.
I’ve got given a bicycle which was registered to said deceased friend. However since the death was sudden and the bicycle was just handed me by their family as a gift without any paperwork I am not sure how to proceed with registration of this bicycle as new owner.
Previous owner obviously can’t provide me any paperwork, their family just flew to Japan, did what was necessary for them and went back home so they can’t really help me either.
I’ll be grateful for any tips on how to proceed correctly.

1 comment
  1. Do you know the name/address of the deceased? Any correspondence from the family that you can have the bike? Take that info, the bike, and a lot of time to your local koban. I never had to do this myself but a friend of mine was given a bike under similar circumstances and managed to get it registered.

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