Employer of record for visa sponsorship

I am a non-US resident who lives in third party country with permanent residency. I work remotely in tech for a large US company. They employ me through an Employer of Record (EoR) in the country I’m already legally resident of.

I asked my boss if the company would be willing to relocate me to Japan. Boss was super helpful and vouched for my request and was approved by the head of my department as well.

Unfortunately, the US company does not have a branch in Japan and the legal department having a final say is reluctant to make a decision or offer a timeline so I’m stuck in a limbo. I think they are afraid of going through the hurdles of sponsoring a visa through an EoR in Japan, partly because of costs but mainly because of legal responsibilities.

I want to try to come up with an alternative plan. Do you know of any EoR in Japan that could be willing to deal directly with me as their client for visa sponsorship purposes but then accept payments from an US company that would forward my salary to them? I could try to negotiate a raise and pay some of the expenses out of my pockets.

Basically I believe the US company wouldn’t mind considering me as a contractor (which effectively I am, currently) and forward money to a third party account (the EoR appointed by me). They just don’t want to be involved with visa stuff or extra paperwork.

I’m already doing some research about EoRs in Japan but if you know of anyone that could be a good fit for my case please let me know. Thank you!

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