Finding jobs in japan after 留年

so as the title says currently im doing last year research for my bachelor degree at university in japan and will be graduating in September this year. The reason why im graduating at September is because ive to repeat 1.5 year of uni because of some issues.Does anyone know where to start when finding job in Japan especially for foreigners.

For qualification i have a chemical engineering bachelors degree and JLPT N1.

Thanks in advance.

  1. I think you would still be eligible for the regular shinsotsu hiring route. Shinsotsu searching probably starts sometime in Sep/Oct with hiring in April or so. You can see if your school has any recommendations, or if any companies come to your school to scout workers. Otherwise you can google shinsotsu 2024 career fairs to see if any are held near you.

  2. Man, with an engineering degree and an N1 you can get a job in like 3 months after graduation, im sure. Just keep googling specific positions you might want. Get the shuukatsu visa thing right after you graduate to give you ample time to look for a job. I know this might not be the best advice but i just want to say don’t give up. Your chance is way better than most ryuugakusei already.

  3. Something to keep in mind as you do job search: Financially it’s not ideal, but a lot of Japanese students in your position stay for the extra semester and graduate even later, in March. Depending on the companies you’re interested in, etc., it might be easier to find work that way than graduating in September with no job and switching to the shuukatsu temporary visa: Some places won’t care that you’ve graduated already, but others will. If you do decide to graduate in March instead of September, though, talk to your university first. Usually you don’t have to apply to graduate, you just do once you are on the list of potential students graduating and you’ve fulfilled all the requirements. At the university I work out, students sometimes choose not to submit their sotsuron for that reason, even if they’ve already finished writing it.

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