Place + でも

I saw this phrase in my textbook:


In this case, what does the でも mean?
I know of a couple uses of でも:

– 飲み物でも飲みましょうか
= shall we drink something like water?

– でも、しなくない。
= But, I don’t want to.

– かわいい犬でも、こわいです。
= Even if it’s a cute dog, it’s scary.

How is でも used in the first case?
Thanks in advance…

  1. The only way to interpret this out of context is that someone is already studying Japanese somewhere else, and is saying that they want to study it at university TOO. Think of this:


    I want to study Japanese at university.


    I want to study Japanese at university *too* (not just at school, etc.)

    It’s not the particle でも, it’s the particle で marking location, plus the particle も to give you a double particle combination. You will see the same thing in:


    I want to go to Tokyo *too* (not just to Kyoto).

  2. で + も

    大学で勉強したい I want to study at university

    大学でも勉強したい I want to study at university too

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