Tossing new vocabulary into one Anki deck

I’m getting close to finishing Genki 1, so I’ve been slowly trudging through some of the level 0 books to strengthen my reading ability.

I wanted to know what you guys do when you come across new vocabulary? Right now, if it’s kana I just throw it in an anki deck, and if it’s kanji I write it down a few times before throwing it in an anki deck.

With hundreds of vocab in my Anki decks now, I’m kind of worried that the studying is inefficient. If all of the words are in one deck, words I threw in may not appear for a while. I do flashcards every single day so it may not be too much of an issue, but I’d like to see if there’s any more efficient ways to go about vocabulary. Maybe categorized decks or something along those lines?

1 comment
  1. I think that throwing all vocabulary into one large ever-growing deck is standard and it is also what I do. If you start making smaller decks of specific categories, you will make your Anki reviews easier, because knowing the category you are currently reviewing will give you an additional hint. However, learning it this way will make it more difficult to then recognize that word outside of Anki, where you won’t have the category as a reference anymore.

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