Graduating high school student options for extended stay in Japan

I’m a graduating high school student and self employed game developer. I’m planning on attending TCU in the fall anticipating to double major in Economics and Strategic Communication. I have a curiosity for travel and exploration, and would like to have an extended stay abroad. Japan stood out especially.

I don’t want this to feel like a vacation, but rather living there for a few months. I am aware that although Japan is a nice country, it is not the perfect world some people make it out to be. That said, I admire the culture, language, arcade/gaming scene, and just have a genuine curiosity to immerse myself there.

My employment is self employed through Roblox game development, which can be highly volatile with my income stream from month to month due the nature of entrepreneurship in the games industry. I started working on this during high school, and earned about $50000 last year. I am fully capable of working on my projects remotely with an internet connection and a laptop. The nature of my job allows me flexibility over working hours and my other commitments, though the industry is demanding and competitive. In the long term, I hope to continue working hard on my passion for game development and have the financial freedom to be able to travel abroad for a few months at a time if I desire. I do not mind living frugally if that means an opportunity to fulfill my curiosity.

Ideally, I would like to be able to travel there over the Summer. Requesting a semester off from school or studying abroad is another option, though this will be more difficult to successfully pull off. A few more considerations I found include a working holiday, a stay with a host family, or an Au Pair living arrangement. Although I doubt this will happen, if I feel I must live in Japan beyond after an extended stay, there seems to be opportunities in IT, sales, marketing if I work hard for them and my college offers great programs in all of these areas.

I’m looking for advice on frugal extended living in alignment with my potential extended stay plans in Japan. I am blessed with paying for college and some potential travel the next few years not being a financial hardship, but this still requires money, time, and effort. Thank you for your time and consideration.

  1. >I am fully capable of working on my projects remotely with an internet connection and a laptop.

    There are ***very*** few visa options available to you as a remote worker.

    Working on a tourist visa is illegal.

    Based on your post history, you’re an American, so you cannot get a working holiday visa. There’s no dedicated “au pair” visa (People use the WHV), nor is there a “stay with a host family” visa option.

    If you’re willing to take time off work you can definitely come on a tourist visa. Otherwise your only option is signing up for a language school to get a student visa, but those aren’t available for short-term stays.

  2. Study abroad for a semester or year through TCU’s study abroad programs. Japan isn’t going anywhere, whereas you only really have a small window to experience/enroll in college with your peers.

    > Au Pair living arrangement

    Not a thing here.

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