Questions for studying aborad!

Hello! I am twenty-three and maybe going to Japan this May for the month to study. I am fairly aware of customs, but there are a few I wanted to ask and get clarification on, as for customs and being respectful. My first is, if anyone asks if I’m dating anyone back home, is it appropriate to tell them I’m gay – dating a guy. Or is that something that’s still a big no-no, and I should just lie and say something else? Second, I do have tattoos – on both forearms and one on the back of my neck. I heard somewhere that they can be associated with gangs/that it’s taboo. Is it really that bad? Should I just be walking around with them covered to show respect, or should I be fine? Any other tips would be great too! Thanks! Looking forward to May if I do get the chance to go!

1 comment
  1. Just be honest. A lot of younger people won’t care about your sexuality. In my experience studying abroad, they’ll be more interested in getting to know you and your country/culture. As for tattoos, I’d bet a lot of Japanese people know that the chances of a random foreigner with tattoos being a part of their country’s gang organizations is slimmer than winning the lottery. Yet you’ll still get judged in some establishments, as it’s still considerably taboo in Japan and for some reason this taboo is being upheld, even with foreigners. But like any place you visit, you must accept the good and the bad.

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