There is so much literature online for free that one can enjoy, I’m not a big fan of fanfic per se but I’ve been reading a lot of them in japanese and it helped me a ton, twitter and pixiv are full of young passionate writers who post their work for everyone to read, i really like reading fanfics of my favorite series, it’s one of the things i do the most in japanese, so if you have a series you really like then consider reading one, it’s such a good resource for reading, specially if you’re engaged with the content
Cool. Any tips for finding good fanfics?
My biggest issue with fanfiction (and things like twitter) is that there is often no editor. People can post whatever they want which is fine if you are a native speaker, but for new learners this can be a problem. I read fanfiction in English a lot and while there is high quality stuff with grammar/spelling on the level of published works there are also quite a few that make errors. As a native speaker I can either gloss over it or note it and move on, but as a learner there is no way to know if it’s right or wrong.