Better to teach at fuzoku pt 10-15 hours at 4-4,500 an hour or Interac as an ALT?

Hi, I am new to Japan and trying to figure out first teaching experience. I have experience in a few other countries and a few degrees. My question isn’t really about the pay as I understand Interac would probably give me 2..5-2.8 a month. I am more concerned with the work life balance. As I understand an ALT I would have less responsibility and can leave the job at the door and also have downtime while at the job to study Japanese etc. On the other hand, I don’t know the reputation of fuzoku, but may have an opportunity to work at one part-time. I am worried about being new and having to adapt and bringing work home even though it is a pt job…….how do you think it could balance out? Trying to figure out as it seems like a good school and could potentially turn into full time after I finish the pt contract……..but I also want a year to observe and maybe get a fresh approach to teaching by doing minimal work as an ALT and trying to develop my Japanese and maybe do something like a DELTA……..any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

  1. I am not sure how to put this delicately, but “fuzoku” is the prostitution business. I think you meant to say “eikaiwa”.

    ROFL … “take my work home with me ..” AHAHAHA…. sorry, but that is pretty funny. 🙂

    But yes, you are better off doing fuzoku than working for Interac, and you’ll make FAR more money. 😉

  2. >Interac would probably give me 2..5-2.8 a month


    Interac pays 18万 to 21万 a month before deductions.


    Fuzoku girls usually get 5,000 an hour for oral and 1万 an hour for FS. Not much demand for men in that job. Not sure how having purchased English certificates will help you here, most customers aren’t there for the conversation.

  3. I would say it’s… Exceedingly unlikely you’d *ever* make ¥280,000 a month with a dispatch company, even if you worked there for a decade. Every ALT I know who makes more than that works at a private school or directly for a BoE. The person who posted before wasn’t exaggerating: your starting pay is likely to be extremely close to ¥200,000/month pre tax; it depends entirely on whatever agreement the company has with the BoE, but I’ve never seen a dispatch company pay nearly as much as what you’re describing/expecting. Don’t expect to get higher pay because you have lots of experience, it doesn’t really matter. Also be aware that many, if not most, dispatch ALTs either don’t get paid during Summer and Winter Break, or have a significantly reduced pay for those periods. It depends entirely on your company and contract.

    As far as work life balance, that… Depends on your school. While the term “dancing clown” is thrown around a lot in terms of job expectations, the reality is that every school has different expectations for an ALT. Some schools really do just expect you to come, show up, and sing for the kids/regurgitate pronunciation. *However* it also is extremely common for you to end up in a school where you are expected to do a metric ton of extra work to compensate for a homeroom teacher that just isn’t comfortable teaching English. MEXT tries to crack down on that, but it’s still an extremely widespread thing. Additionally, there are loads of schools who flat out don’t want you studying Japanese at all, and see it as a personal pursuit that shouldn’t be done while you’re on the clock. Some schools also do put a lot of pressure on you to do/make stuff at home; some don’t, but there’s no way to know. You can’t know what your school is going to want to do until you actually start, and I wouldn’t advise you to go in assuming your school will be fine with you taking it easy.

  4. If the “fuzoku” are paying you 4,500 yen an hour you should be aware of the possibility they are expecting you to do more than teach English…

  5. So interac adverts do this thing where they make it seem like you’ll get 25man a month, when really it’s the yearly wage of you should look at.

    Theres many deductions, prorations, jacked up cost of renting a car and an apartment through them, non paid working time etc….

    You’ll get around 18man.

  6. Realize that if you ever have beef with the fuuzoku employer, he will call immigration and report that he noticed you’re working outside of your visa classification. He will then fire you, immigration will detain and deport you, and you will probably be banned from Japan for 5-10 years.

    I have seen this happen with ALTs working as hosts, construction workers, and so on. The moment the shine is off the turd at your work and your employer is pissed at you, it’s over.

    Also, realize that fuuzoku will take more and more time if you actually have people asking for you. You may be asked to go on outside dates or text certain clients to keep them active so they will request you and pay extra charges. If you start to refuse or slough off on some of these “responsibilities,” see paragraph one.

    It’s a gamble, like anything else.

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