Interac salary

Hi everyone!

I’m going to have a phone call with Interac regarding a placement starting later in this year. I want to ask if there is anyone who is currently or up until recently worked in Interac.

1. How much is the salary?
2. Is it possible to negotiate the salary since in the website it shows a range of annual salary instead of a fixed one?
3. Is it rude in Japan if I ask how much the salary is?

Thank you in advance~

  1. Are you in Japan? If not I highly doubt you have any chance of negotiating in the current climate. If you’re in Japan and they’re desperate to fill a slot then maybe you can get an extra man or 2 out of them.

  2. You can expect them to give you a salary range, but probably not an exact salary.

    ALT dispatch companies salaries are determined by the contract each company has with the BoE of a given city. Until they have a placement planned for you, you can’t really know how much to expect, as the pay range can vary quite a lot. Additionally, in practice, everyone in a given city is likely to make a similar amount (qualifications or certifications don’t really mean anything to these companies, and won’t give you any real leverage to demand more pay).

  3. Yo. I was offered a job a few months back. I said no less than 3 mil since I have a lot of experience, they came back with like 2.5. Lol, no thanks. Good to get into Japan I guess but if you want a livable salary probably look elsewhere

  4. Your salary will likely vary based on how inaka the placement is. And, this is a rule of thumb for me personally, for any English teaching job in Japan making sub like 3 mill yen you are 99% of the time going to get the minimum on that range, regardless of experience. Those ranges are not for new hires.

    No, it isn’t rude to ask. It also isn’t rude to try to negotiate, because they generally won’t and are trained professionally not to haggle and just move on to the next candidate. It won’t hurt your chances unless you make a big deal about it and fight the interviewer.

    As reference I am an ALT, I interviewed with many of the big chains last fall (interac, altia, borderlink) I asked all of them about a raise to match my then salary of 270k a month, all of them said no, but all of them still offered me positions. At the minimum salary listed.

  5. 1. Your salary depends on where you’re placed.
    2. It’s not impossible, but if you’re just starting out as an ALT and have no experience teaching in your home country then you’re chances of successfully negotiating are pretty much zero.
    3. It’s not rude to ask about your own salary, no. They will tell you whether you ask or not though.

  6. You can try to negotiate but it will be in vain – expect/accept the lower range for listed salary

  7. It’s generally 215,000 a month with travel all included, regardless of location.Least that’s what I was told when I signed my contract….

    It’s unlikely you will negotiate a higher wage as they have a massive backlog of ALTs waiting to get into Japan.

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