ChatGPT to learn Japanese ♥

I tried ChatGPT, and asked him to write some texts so I can translate them, and it worked quite well!

I’m only building a JLPT 4 level, and as I’m french, I have some difficulties to find exercices in my mothertongue. This is quite helpfull, what are you thoughs about it?

  1. I suggest you to search the sub before asking; [here]( is an example of some opinions you can read before asking for thoughts on the matter.

    The sentences might be grammatically sound, but what the sentence says is bullshit way too often.
    It “sounds alright” to the beginner eye, which is 100 times worse than the google translate a decade ago when it returned clear garbage all the time.

  2. I did that too and was quite surprised. It was able to generate easy sentences, then harder sentences when I asked him to do it.

    The text it generates seem to always look the same, tho. He’s not as creative as when speaking english.

    And yes, even at a low level, I spotted some mistakes. So it’s really limited.

  3. Please.



    With the ChatGPT posts.

    We’ve been through this a hundred times already, ChatGPT *sounds* convincing until you actually know what it’s talking about, then you realise it is, more often than not, just convincing bullshit.

    Which is a problem, because the people most susceptible to this (learners, i.e. *the target demographic of this subreddit*) are the people with the least capability to counteract it.

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