Shibata vs Homna from G1 Climax 24

Shibata vs Homna from G1 Climax 24

Shibata vs Homna from G1 Climax 24 from njpw

  1. This is whacky to say but this is my second favorite match of all time. I’m a huge Shibata mark and I can this this was the only and last time that a match made me want Shibata to lose. Masterclass in the simplest of storytelling with right circumstances, right time and right people.

  2. Honma was an absolute beast before his neck injury.

    Was constantly putting on great matches in the NEVER division and G1 despite rarely winning. Had a good tag run with Makabe too, I believe the only belt Honma won in NJPW.

  3. Honma has a match against Ishii from a New Beginning show which may be my under the radar favourite NJPW match

  4. Damn I need to watch more Honma from a few years ago, I’ve only ever seen his recent stuff and his tag title win before.

  5. I love watching old Homna matches, especially ths ones he had with Shibata, Ishii, i think he also had one with Masato Tanaka 🤔 someone correct me if im wrong but at the same time it’s sad to watch his older work knowing he isnt the same wrestler today. Regardless, i’m happy he’s still able to compete and it jst makes u wanna cry, knowing how badly he wants to go back to his peak and he cant but he keeps on trying and trying. Go back to when he came back to wrestle years ago and he could barely move. Now hes definitely more capable of putting an great singles effort every now and then. Call me crazy but id love to see him in the G1 this year, at least for a final time 🥲 (the same way they did it with Tenzan ’16 and Nagata ’17).

  6. We all love Shibatas offence but dude can sell his ass off too.

    Also Honma is legit as hell

  7. This makes me sad because Honma is an absolute shell of himself in this highlight. That neck injury messed him up something fierce.

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