COVID19 “Care Packages”

So I think we’ve all seen the viral “care packages” with insnae amounts of food purportedly sent to people in quarantine. As far as I recall, someone pointed out that this was only available in a limited amount of areas (maybe even just one prefecture?).

Does anyone have any more info on which prefectures/cities do/did this? Is it still a thing?

  1. I got an SMS from Osaka city today which seems to suggest I can get 7 days worth of food delivered. I’ve applied so I’ll see what happens.

  2. You can search if your city have such program by searching your city name and 自宅療養者 支援.

  3. I know you can only get it with an official PCR result from specific government recognised clinics (The medical helpline tells you which clinics to go to)

    If you just have a home antigen kit, those don’t count.

  4. >As far as I recall, someone pointed out that this was only available in a limited amount of areas (maybe even just one prefecture?).

    Who said that?

    Just by searching some keywords on google, I was able to get information on care packages on the websites of all major prefectures.

    For example:







    As mentioned in an another comment, you basically need to search “自宅療養者 支援/配食 + your prefecture/city” on google to get the official page with detailed information.

  5. Our prefecture does it, but an acquaintance who lives alone and requested it didn’t receive the package until they had already recuperated…

  6. Got it in Yamanashi, too. 2 big boxes (sent on separate days) for one person. Lots of things inside including packed/canned foods, toiletries, hand alcohol, rice (both raw and the microwaveable ones), snacks for the kids, masks, etc.

    We were 4 infected last May and got 8 big ones. It’s too much for us so ended up giving one box to a friend.

    We didn’t get it though until we called them and asked how we can get food when we can’t go out. Got them the next day.

  7. I got the original care package from Kanagawa/Kawasaki when I got infected in November 2020 (despite working from home and barely going out). Tissues, toilet paper, yasai juice, tons of rice (microwavable), curry, green tea, bread rolls, and Miso Soup, plus frozen meals delivered to my doorstep every 48 hours. It was great to be honest.

    But this has changed, and is now only provided to people with high risk profiles (over 65, etc.) and people with financial difficulties – the prefecture now has a [pamphlet]( with a checklist of the things to prepare, as well as providers who can deliver to your doorstep (but not free!)

  8. Thank you for the useful information everyone! Looks like I was wrong and this is a lot more broadly implemented than I thought – my city does have some sort of food assistance/delivery programme as well. Woo! They’re a bit overstretched at the moment due to the rise in cases so I’ll probably have to wait a bit, but it’s great to know it’s available.

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