Taxes on Remote Work (US Citizen w/ Japanese Spouse)

I have recently been searching this page, and the internet in general, for information on taxes for remote work in the US for those who have a spouse visa through marriage to a Japanese citizen.

Although, I have not found anything which fully resolves my inquiry on this (including prior posts on this Reddit page), I found [this post]( by a guy named Rob on Japan Guid.

I feel Ron posed the situation and question very well.

Ron wrote…

“Considering moving from the US to Japan to work remotely (IT work) and need to determine how much taxes will be before we start serious planning. The company I work for will let me work remotely from anywhere, but since it is my choice they are not taking on any of the fact-finding on taxes, insurance, etc. Another person in the company is working remotely from Australia. The company has no presence there either, I was told he was changed from employee to contractor to simplify things; I don’t know his specifics. Anyway, I will need to do all the groundwork and provide all the answers to the company.

My Situation:
1. I am a US Citizen
2. My wife is a Japanese citizen, so I plan on getting a Spousal Visa (our two kids have dual citizenship)
4. The company I work for has no presence in Japan
5. My work would be 100% remote via the internet on assets in the US
6. All payroll deposits will be made to a US bank
7. We are planning on staying in Japan for about 5 years

My research tells me that I’d have no work restrictions on a Spousal Visa. However, it is not clear to me what that means as far as taxation.

If 100% of my income were to be earned via remote work in the US from Japan
1. Would the US company I work for need to file anything different?
2. Is my income considered earned in the US or Japan?
3. Would I pay taxes to both the US and Japan? What are the rates?
4. Does having a Spousal Visa mean one is a resident?

Is there a good resource to anyone can recommend?

Thanks in Advance!”

Does anyone have a solid understanding of this kind of situation and are you able to provide an insightful answer regarding it?


  1. You live in Japan you pay Japanese tax. It doesn’t matter where or how you earn this money, if you’re in Japan and are making money you have to pay taxes. Even if the money is never sent to Japan, you still owe taxes in Japan.

    Since you have spouse visa, you can register as freelance and file taxes by yourself or hire an accountant.

  2. You might have better luck in /r/JapanFinance

    * Would the US company I work for need to file anything different?

    They’d change you to a contractor like the guy in Aus

    * Is my income considered earned in the US or Japan?


    * Would I pay taxes to both the US and Japan? What are the rates?

    First you definitely need to pay taxes in Japan,

    You’ll still need to FILE taxes in the US, and if US taxes exceed Japan taxes or income is above the Foreign Earned Income Exception you need to pay those excess taxes in the US.

    (disclaimer I am not an American and the US tax system always manages to surprise me with how it fucks people over so get a second opinion on this)

    * Does having a Spousal Visa mean one is a resident?


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