Advice on where to live in Tokyo

I recently got a new job in Minamiazabu, Minato City and I’ll be
moving from Aichi to Tokyo to start next month.

Since I got the offer mail I have been looking through Suumo but I’m not familiar with the train lines.

These are things I to take into

-My new workplace will be in Minamiazabu so I’m hoping a train line that goes through there would be ideal to live
– I’ll be living with my bf and my pet cat, so I’m looking for a 2LDK and our budget is 14万円
– I can tolerate ~45mins commute time

Any advice on which area is ideal is greatly appreciated ! Thank you in advance

  1. 14万 is that for rent only or is it the total package with electricity, gas, internet etc ? If it’s everything you might have to consider somewhere like Kawasaki (Motosumiyoshi) or closer to Saitama such as Kita senju. For 14man you can get a decent new place for two but it won’t be very big.

  2. I am now actively looking for apartments and houses for people with cats (I’m an agent). Cats are the most difficult category; Japanese landlords absolutely hate cats. Dog-friendly places are plentiful but there are only a few dozen places in the ENTIRE Greater Tokyo region that allow cats, and half of those don’t allow foreigners.

    So you are going about this backwards. Instead of looking for a place you want to live, then trying to find a cat-friendly place there, you should make a list of the only 5 or 6 cat friendly places in Kanto that match your budget and then apply for the one with the shortest commute. Or double your budget.

  3. Perhaps somewhere in Meguro-ku on the Toyoko Line. You could make a quick transfer at Nakameguro to the Hibiya Line to get to Hiroo. Toritsudaigaku, Gakugeidaigaku, or Yutenji might fit in that budget. My wife was living in Gakudai (with a cat) when we met, and she was paying 10万 for a nice 2-story 1LDK 10 minutes from the station near Himonya Park.

  4. If you’re going to work near Hiroo, living along Hibiya line or whichever line merges with it is a no-brainer.

    14 man is a decent budget for what you’re looking for, unless you want new and shiny places. I can’t comment on a cat, because it’s a hit and miss.

    I’d probably choose Naka-Meguro area or something in that vicinity. Ebisu is a bit too expensive for the budget, but if you manage to find, go for Ebisu.

    There’s no need to go into deep, grim suburbs. 14 man will find you an okayish place in central Tokyo without very long commutes.

    Keep in mind that prices are the highest along the popular suburb train lines, in your case it will be Tokyu Toyoko. You don’t need to go deep into the suburb, because prices won’t go down much, but you can look closer to your workplace, yet far from train lines. For example, Shibuya Higashi is a good contender. There certainly are other areas with similar issues.

    Update: are you sure it isn’t 1LDK what you are looking for?

  5. 14万 for a 2LDK that allows pets in central Tokyo is just not doable. You’re going to have to either increase your budget, be okay with less rooms, or be okay living far from your work. If you live in Chiba out past Kita-Senju, you’ll be able to find something and you can connect easily to the Hibiya line and Hiro-o. Western Tokyo is another option, but getting to Hiro-o might be a pain.

    If you’re okay with a 1LDK you can probably find something relatively nice and a bit more roomy along the northern Hibiya line or along the northern parts of the Nanboku line.

  6. Check government run rental service JKK: no agent fee, spacious and 140,000 is doable for 2LDK 60-70m2

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