Moving to Japan in Feb and am struggling to find a place to live

I just received my visa a couple days ago and bought my flight to immigrate to Japan, set for Feb. 2

My company is in Chiyoda and my salary is going to be ~500K yen a month after taxes (according to but I’m not sure how accurate it is)

I’m moving there with essentially an entire net worth of 250K yen in my pocket so I’m kinda strapped on initial living costs and navigating the whole process. I think the best place to start for me would be a share house so I don’t have to worry about setting up utilities etc. until I can save up a bit and get myself an apartment. However I’m 28 years old and a working professional so I’m not certain about what the share house environment is like (parties on weekdays, noise late at night, etc.) because I haven’t been able to find this kind of information on the websites of the places I’ve looked at (Sakura house, Couverture)

Does anyone have experience with share houses near Chiyoda? I’m willing to handle an up to an hour commute since half my job is going to be remote, but it’s really hard to gauge the quality of these places just through the websites and not being able to go there in person until I actually move.

Sorry if this has been asked before, and thank you for any anecdotal info y’all can give me!

  1. Man, just rent a sharehouse or airbnb until you can get a proper place. Quality-wise, you will really never know but it probably won’t be too bad. I lived in a sharehouse myself for a month before getting a proper place to live.

    Either way, it’s always gonna be hard having to uproot yourself and adjusting to a new environment and culture. Now is the time to just suck it up. If you get a bad sharehouse, it’s just gonna be temporary.

  2. I’ve lived in 3 share houses and noises are random, people get up at all different hours. Sakura says try be quiet 9-9, but it doesn’t stop people who need to get up at 6 from having their alarms blare. But I’ve never seen a party at least. Think with your budget you aren’t getting key money and such so a share house is kinda what you need to go for at first

  3. Bloody hell man, you should really have more of a financial buffer when moving to a different country.

    Anyway, for now, look at something like Sakura House in order to establish a beachhead. There will be other similar companies. Then, find somewhere better once established.

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