My last name is a word in English; would it be inappropriate to introduce myself to native speakers as the Japanese translation of that word, like as a nickname?

My real name is Chris Wise, and some of my Japanese friends have trouble pronouncing it(Chris especially); would it be inappropriate to just have them call me the Japanese word for Wise?

  1. Kurisu Waisu クリス ワイス they won’t have a problem saying it this way, as chris is the same way they pronounce the front part of christmas

  2. I have the opposite problem, my last name is a daily use object in Japanese, but not in English.

    It probably sounds ridiculous to them lol…

  3. It’s not “inappropriate” insofar as it’s not rude or offensive or anything, but it is a bit weird, because A: that’s not really your name, your name is the sound “wise” makes, and B: using a regular Japanese word where a name should come can be confusing.

    In short, it doesn’t actually make things better, and no one in Japan really does it, either. Just go with the katakana for the right sounds.

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