Advice for buying a gift on Chinese lunar new year

I am a student living in Shinjuku, my friend(F) from Taiwan invited me for dinner on Chinese lunar new year this weekend. Can some give some advice on what gifts I can give and where I can buy it from?

Preferably from some shops.

  1. Well I came from China but actually I have no idea what to select 😳

    There’re several Chinese stores next to ikebukuro station but most of them are just imported foods which I’m not sure if it works.

  2. If it’s a family party I’ll pick a wine or osake myself. Taiwan beers could work if you guys drink. If it’s not I’ll go some decorations. It’s a year of rabbit next year

  3. Is it gonna be a group of friends or you’ll be joining their family?
    If it’s friends just ask what they’ll be doing and maybe bring some food, contribute to it 🙂 Have fun

  4. There isn’t any specific rules about gifts when visiting on during Lunar new year. If there’s drinking going on at the gathering, just bring some nice alcohol. Otherwise some snacks or food for sharing

  5. Maybe nice to get them something that’s not CNY related. I was invited to a CNY party pre-Covid to my colleague’s place and took them some sweets from a department store, and the wife and kids loved it.

    It’s definitely the thought that counts.

  6. My no brainer choice would be fruit, either a box of fruit or a bag of fruit, doesn’t matter, depends on your budget, no one will hate it…

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