I’ve been hired by a new company but they are asking for a reference letter and I don’t know anyone who can write it for me, what are my options?

I left my job because it was a black company and I found a better position. However, they asked me for two reference letters. I can’t ask my former boss because they tried to stop me from leaving by threatening to fire me. I’ve only been in one company until now. I also can’t ask my friends because they are outside the country and their phone number would give it away. If I were to use a fake reference contact from Japan, will my new company have any way of knowing that it’s not a real reference? In case using a fake reference is not an advisable option, how could I get a reference letter to submit to my new company?

How legal can it get and what are the risks?

1 comment
  1. Why don’t you explain your situation to your future employer? If it is part of a background check anything that proves your previous employer will likely be ok. At least in my experience they will give alternatives if you can’t provide the references they are asking for.

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