Pension/Insurance Gap Between Jobs

I will be switching my employer soon and there could be a week or two gap between my Last Working Day in my current company and Reporting Day in the new company.

Is this acceptable and common here in Japan? Will this gap a problem in future when I am applying for PR? Is there anything I can do about it?


  1. I got an invoice for NHI for the 18 day gap I had between jobs. Didn’t affect my PR.

  2. You will pay into both from the day after your old employer (either manually or by withholding from your new pay). Check with your new HR how they do it, as different companies differ.

  3. Pension is billed the final day of the calendar month.

    Exactly what date will your employment end? (That includes if you’re using any remaining annual leave as that period you will still be employed just on leave) And what date will your new employment start?

  4. I think you need coverage, even if you end up joining NHI for only two weeks. I jumped onto my husband’s insurance for three weeks between jobs once. Applied for and got PR a few years later.

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