Question about this grammar point? 今日はコロッケ”にでもしよう”かしら…


What is the meaning of にでもしよう?
I’ve come to the conclusion of ても meaning “anything/something” or the like, but I’ve also come across てもしょう meaning of “Do something”, but as a suggestion. (I guess here the speaker if talking to themself, suggesting to themself.)

The way this sentence translates is “maybe I should make croquettes today.” But I’m confused about why に+でもしょう

Could come one give me a proper definition and some examples sentences or something of the like? Would really appreciate an explanation of this.

Edit: or maybe it’s にする – To make something?

  1. しよう is the volitional form of する. The construction 〇〇にする means to decide on 〇〇, in this case, deciding to make croquettes. でも just means “or something” in this case. So it’s “maybe I’ll make croquettes today or something”.

  2. “にする” means “to decide on,” as in what to have for a meal, for example. That でも means that コロッケ is not the only choice up for consideration.

    This use of でも keeps things somewhat open-ended if you’re inviting someone to do something like “お茶でも飲みませんか?”

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