Different surnames as a married couple

Hey there,
My husband will join the JET program and I will go with him on a spouse visa.
I know that married couples in Japan have to have the same surname – which is not the case for us, since we kept our names. I once read (on reddit, but I cannot find the post anymore), that different last names for married couples can cause problems in Japan, e.g. the city hall thinks you’re not married, might involve problems with insurances etc.

Do you have any experiences with that?
Thanks for your help 🙂

  1. Depends, if you’re a foreigner it isn’t required. I married my wife who is Japanese, but we were still able to keep our own last names with no issues being caused. Should be fine for you.

  2. “I know that married couples in Japan have to have the same surname”

    Nope. Not the case.

  3. I’m a jet and my husband is not. We have different last names and it has never been a problem. It wasn’t even mentioned when we registered at the city office, signed up for health insurance, etc. You do need to bring a copy of your marriage license with you, but that is a necessary document for any couple.

  4. As a foreigner, you’re not required to have the same last name as your husband. I haven’t heard of couples with different last names having issues, but I could totally see happening. If you’re worried, one of you could register under your partner’s last name as a legal alias. For example is Jane Smith was married to John Doe, Jane could register the name Jane Doe as a legal alias. That would allow you to fill out forms and register for services under the same last name without having to legally change your name. A lot of foreign women who marry Japanese men do this if they want to keep their last name.

  5. In my experience it’s not a problem if you can speak Japanese well enough to correct someone on it. I’ve done this with people at City Hall, immigration, the hospital, and housing agents.

    My husband however doesn’t speak good Japanese and has really struggled when questioned on our different surnames.

  6. My husband and I are both American and have different last names. He was on a dependent visa for multiple years under my visa. You just need proof of marriage.

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