How to obtain a specific newspaper from the last few days.

A close family member was recently featured in a Japanese newspaper but I wasn’t able to get a copy of it.

Does anyone know how I can go about getting a few copies? I’d like to bring them back home when I go visit.

I’m thinking of emailing the company and asking for a couple of copies but wondering is someone here has any other suggestions.

  1. Go to the library and find it in the archives and make some copies of the page while you’re there? Ask the librarians, they should be able to assist you.

  2. If you know of any newspaper dealers (as in, the ones that dispatch the delivery bikes), get in touch ASAP, they usually send unsold, old papers for recycling once a week or so.

  3. Name the newspaper and the date, and someone here might have it. A couple of years ago I saw a message with just such a request for the 日本経済新聞—we subscribe—and handed over the newspaper to the seeker at the station gate. We usually have as many as two-weeks’ worth on hand because paper recycling is only once every two weeks here.

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