What times do you believe to be reasonable for you to do certain activities at home considering noise?

I recently moved into a new apartment made of concrete. The apartment is on the second floor , first floor is a parking space , and I’m in the corner of the building. We received a letter in the mail. My GF said the letter that we received is not specifically for us to but all people living in the apartment. I do recognize I do noisy activities but I also already have things in place to make sure it’s not excessively loud. Mats , lower volume, activities done in a certain time/way.

I like to workout after I finish work at home to save money and time with equipment. I believe no later than 9pm is reasonable , no earlier than 10am.

What are your thoughts ?

  1. From 8am to 9pm is our particular rule. We live in an apartment (7th floor) and have neighbors on all 4 sides. I clean the house with a very noisy vacuum cleaner always around 7:45am (a little later on the weekend). Our son is pretty noisy until 9pm when he goes to sleep. We’ve never had any problems.

  2. I would communicate with the neighbors, and ask them what level of noise and what times they are comfortable with. I still do so even now that I live in an independent house (or maybe even more so that I know these are going to be my neighbors forever.). Good coordination is key. That being said, I would naturally avoid noisy activities earlier than 9 am (though there is an argument than any construction work starts at 8…), and any later than 7 pm.

  3. I’m not sure anyone can give you advice here, as it likely depends on both your lease and the exact situation of your living space.

    I used to do calisthenics and light weightlifting in an old wooden apartment with neighbors below and on one side six days per week at six AM and never heard a word of complaint or even a hint anyone knew I was doing anything. I’d practice piano (with earphones, but tapping my foot) early, too. On the other hand, we now live in a detached house and sometimes have trouble with noisy neighbors in a nearby apartment building.

  4. Agree with your timeframe but your specific building might have different rules. My girlfriends apartment specifically states 10PM is the limit for any noisy activities. Though personally, my upstairs neighbour does vacuuming or something every night at like 12

  5. Agree with your timeframe but your specific building might have different rules. My girlfriends apartment specifically states 10PM is the limit for any noisy activities. Though personally, my upstairs neighbour does vacuuming or something every night at like 12

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