Where can I buy a soldering iron?

I want to buy a soldering iron in Japan for some hobby/project stuff. I’ve checked the usual suspects (Jamazon, Rakunten, etc.) and the prices seem ludicrously high. I’ve bought the same/similar irons in my home country for half the price (but I knew where to look). Is there a good online/physical retailer for tools and electronics stuff in Japan?

  1. When I say ‘electronics stuff’ I mean specifically parts/components for hobby electronics projects. I realise that part seems kinda vague in the original post.

  2. You can find soldering irons at any home centers, for pretty cheap.
    Several tips size are available too.

    If you want more specialized stuff, I did my hobby equipment shopping online from banggood,aliexpress or similar if you don’t mind longer shipping.

  3. Tokyu Hands has soldering irons. Also the electronics side alley next to the Akihabara station has them.

  4. When I needed a soldering iron for some DIY fixing, I noted Daiso (and other 100 yen places) had them, but for at 500? yen with no solder included. So I went on Mercari and bought an old one with some solder and a holder included for 700 yen. At the time I just thought it was a waste to buy it new for one project.

  5. Have you tried Yodobashi Camera or Bic Camera? Their online shops may have what you’re looking for.

  6. Akizuki and Sengoku in Akiba are my go-to places for electronics projects. They have online shops too.

  7. I bought a kit recently from Amazon for 1-2000 yen something to build a custom keyboard recently. Did the job perfectly.

  8. I recently bought a whole soldering kit with everything I need and a multimeter for 3300 yen off Amazon. And there’s 500yen ones floating around. What’s the issue?

    Maybe you’re looking for foreign brands? Might be not many Japanese brands relabel Chinese soldering irons? Very common in America and elsewhere to just repackage Chinese soldering irons under a known brand. Japanese soldering irons are some of the best in the world, like Hakko, and aren’t too expensive to be honest. But good brands here keep the quality high.

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