20 Day trip: Starting in Tokyo > Aogashima > Hokkaido > Sendai > Tokyo > Hakone > Nagoya > Shirekawa-Go > Ise > Osaka

Hey there.
This is a solo trip I have planned during March. All of this is supposed to happen entirely by public transport. My Japanese is … not good, but exists.

\- Is taking the ferry from Tokyo to Hachijojima within 5-6 hours of arrival realistic?
\- How feasible is an Arrival at Memanbetsu > running Around Abashiri doing stuff > transfer to Utoro within 36 hours without car?
\- How well can you reach Shiretoko without car from Utoro?
\- How realistic is a visiting Hakone > Nagoya > Shirakawa-Go > Ise within a 5 day span (24.-28.) without a car and still intending to sleep?
\- I will spend the night in 15 different locations, one of which is a ferry, during a 20 day trip, alone and without a guide… is that too much?


|08.03.||Arrival Tokyo, Narita|
|08.03.|22:30|Ferry to Hachijojima|
|09.03.|8:55|Arrival Hachijojima|
|||Heli to Aogashima|
|11.03.|13:30|Ferry back to Hachijojima|
|12.03.||Running around Hachijojima|
||17:30|Flight back to Tokyo|
|||Tokyo Check-in|
|13.03.||Flight to Memanbetsu|
|||Stay at Abashiri|
|||Abashiri Prison Museum|
|||Maybe watch some ice floes|
|14.03.||transfer to Utoro|
|15.03.||Shiretoko National Park|
|16.03.||transfer to Mount Akan|
|17.03.||Mount Akan National Park|
|18.03.||Lake Akan Ainu Kotan|
|||Memanbetsu -> Sendai|
|19.03.||Cat Island|
|||Matsushima Bay|
|20.03. – 24.03.||Tokyo|
|||Amazake-chaya Teahouse|
|||Nabana No Sato|
|26.03.||Nagoya -> Shirakawa-Go|
|27.03.||Shirakawa Go -> Nagoya -> Ise|
|28.03.||Grand Shrine|
|||Meoto Iwa|
|||Ise -> Osaka|

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