Exchange at Meiji University

Hi, I’m an undergrad student (studying Physics and Maths) and I’m looking at my options of studying abroad in Japan as an exchange student. My university has relations with Meiji University, and I’m able to apply for an exchange program. The school I would apply to (School of Science and Technology) does not offer classes taught in English, only in Japanese. However, the level required to apply is N4 (while other schools like Arts and Letters require N2) which I have. It makes sense that the level required is lower for the sciences. I have at least a year to up to two years before I’d be going there if I finally am able to, and in the meantime I will most certainly pass N3, maybe N2. But my question is, would I be fine with this level of japanese to actually follow lessons taught in japanese? Thank you.

  1. Math is a universal language. If you’re already N4, even if you don’t understand everything spoken, you’ll probably be able to follow the lecture just based off what is written. If not, you can probably understand enough to supplement with material you understand.

  2. hermanato pretty much summed it all up. But to piggy back on that, I highly recommend you watch Japanese math lectures on YouTube. Especially the ones based on the current topics you’re learning at school. For example, if you’re learning about Linear Equations here’s a video that explains all about it in Japanese:

    Immersion would be a great way to practice listening skills, especially the flow of how an average classroom lecture goes (which is pretty much straightforward). Though I recommend you reach a low-intermediate level at the very least for this to actually feel like Math practice than language practice.

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