Bulking In japan how much does it cost to hit 3000 calories.

Hi as the title says. Please Comment your diet for hitting 2500 to 3000 Calories and how much does it cost? as i am a broke student (skinny one) i got low budget per month for fitness so please drop your diet and cost it would help me alot thanks and also any idea how much gym cost in tajimi. Thanksss

  1. Fish is cheap. Fish is high in protein and healthy fats. Chicken breasts are cheap. High in protein as well. Eat that on days you don’t want to eat fish. Add in eggs, colorful variety of veggies and milk and you’ll be good to go on the cheap.

    Rough idea. I kg of Brazilian chicken breasts are usually under 1000 yen. Buri or Saba are around 100 yen per filet. 1l milk 250 yen and a carton of eggs 240 yen. Broccoli can run around 200 yen a head, spinach about 150 yen a bag. Supplement in mushrooms, nuts and peppers as your budget allows.

  2. I have a friend that started a bulk 4months ago, he used to take those mass gainer shakes, it was like 1000 cal per cup if Im not mistaken and not that expensive.

  3. lol, how low is low?

    you can buy 40,000 calories worth of olive oil for like 3,000 yen.

    if you are worried about your food budget, a gym is going to be too expensive.

  4. For me I eat 3000-4000 kcal a day depending on cut/bulk and 150g protein, I try to aim for 1000 yen a day but usually go slightly over. For protein I mostly just eat chicken. Chicken breast can be found very cheap here, and minced chicken breast at an OK price. I get about 50g of that from whey as well. But yeah I’d say 1000 for cheap days and 1200-1300 most days? Outside of protein, filler calories are very cheap. Eggs are cheap too. But things like bread are ridiculously cheap.
    That x30 = probably around or close to 40 000 a month. You might be able to go cheaper if you really try and buy in bulk and literally just eat chicken breast and eggs and bread etc etc

    Gyms are fucked expensive here. Most chains are about 8000/month. Golds gym is 15 000. You might be able to find more local chains more in the 4-5000 range but I wouldn’t bet on it. Or if you’re lucky like me, a free campus gym.

  5. I’m at Fit24, something like 7k a month which could be worse, I guess. OP, Gyomu super chicken breasts and granola will be your best friends.

  6. I hit that easy and cheap with a diet based on butter cookies, potato chips, mcdonalds, and lots of bread. Probably not ideal for gaining muscles though…

  7. Chicken is cheap . I suggest cooking with butter. Fats have a lot of calories. Eggs , decent protein and fat. Potatoes/Rice . Protein powders, peanut butter , avocado. Fats will help you up the calories but be careful.

  8. All you can eat chains. You can get katsudon + pork katsu + tonjiru + all you can eat rice for 800yen. I ate about 3000 calories in one sitting.

  9. Drink your calories.

    Here’s a fairly calorie dense shake you can have twice a day (breakfast and then before bed)
    – 400 ml milk/water (if milk be sure it’s full fat milk. No reduced fat milk or anything like that).
    – two scoops whey
    – 1 cup of raw/dry oatmeal (not quick oats—can buy a huge box on Amazon)
    – 1-2 table spoons of peanut butter or some fat (olive oil would be fine)
    – 1 banana

    Each shake should be just under 1000 cals. I especially like it in the morning cause it’s easy to make and quick to drink.

    Can have two solid meals in between your shakes. Rice, ささみ, or eggs. Eggs are high in fats, so if you cook it in a pan with olive oil that’s good. Of course mix in some veggies or fruits.

    That should get you to 3000 calories easily.

    Your metabolism will get used to this eventually though so you’ll have to slowly increase the calories over time. For example, an extra tablespoon of olive oil to your shakes every two weeks or something if you want to keep growing.

    As for gym: go to a local 体育館 or another smaller, local gym. Not a chain. Sometimes they’ll have day passes for as little as 200 yen. I cant imagine you’ll get very far with just light dumbbells at home. Besides, physically going to the gym sets the mood.

    Always use good, slow, controlled form. Do sets of anywhere between 6-30 reps.


  10. I mean, it depends on a few things:

    How many carbs are you willing to take in?

    Current weight?

    Does it matter the taste?

    Do you even need 3,000 calories? If you are skinny, I would imagine that you would need a lot, but 3k though?

  11. The closest gym to my home would cost me 10500 yen after youth discount. So, I don’t do gym. I just run, do indoor exercises leisurely on my yoga mat.

  12. Regular gym membership hovers around 7000-10000 yen per month, so I would advise against that. You can get a bench and weight set for that much money

  13. Get the dial-type dumbbells. Only go up to 40 kilo, but they’re convenient for tiny Tokyo houses. If you want to go to the gym, check out your city gym. Should be only a few hundred yen per visit. Super cheap.

    I lived off of chicken and rice for under 15000 a month for a while when I was younger and not making much money. I hate chicken now, but it got me around 2500 plus calories a day. Chicken thighs will get you more calories. Night time half-price food at the supermarket will feel like a nice treat as well.

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