No salary increase as a freelancer

I’m pretty sure I already know the answer to this, but it can’t hurt to ask.
I’m working as a part time freelance translator for a language school, I’m about to renew my contract for 6 months. The guy I talk to told me via email that due to covid and the dire conditions the poor company is in currently, they cannot afford to give me a raise.
This is the second time I’ve renewed this contract, and I received the same copypasted email the last time as well.
Is there anything I can do here? I’m probably SOL but maybe there’s some rule or regulation that they’re not telling me about regarding pay raises. No high hopes tho.

  1. Ive never had a pay raise as a full time employee either. I always pulled my salary up by changing jobs.

  2. As a freelancer, isn’t it normally you who would state how much the project will cost before commencing work?

    Do you mean that you’re actually just a contract worker?

    Disclaimer: Not a freelance or contract worker.

  3. Basically you can negotiate by naming your price and being willing not to recontract unless they accept it.

    There’s nothing in the law that will help you unfortunately.

  4. I have worked as a freelance contractor(restaurants), the thing that makes you a freelancer, or an independent contractor, is that you are the one setting prices, hours, schedules etc. They give you some problem they need solved, and then you inform them of the cost. Sure, there’s some negotiation involved.

    From my perspective, you sound like an employee.

  5. If you’re a freelancer it’s not a salary. You can try to negotiate your fee after every project/contract. If you feel you are not getting compensated fairly, feel free to find other customers.

    Employees and definitely freelancers are entitled to a pay raise.

  6. Freelancers set the terms or walk. If he’s too poor and can’t or won’t pay your rate, walk away. Freelancers also have the right to moonlight, unless a specific NDA or non complete clause forbids you from taking on specific clients or job types with that firm. But funny thing is, you can still work elsewhere if you aren’t technically in violation of those clauses. However, it’s rare for freelancers to be restricted by such things unless you work in tech. Freelancers need to be aggressive and stick to their guns, businesses will take whatever they can get from you if you show weakness.

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