Changing visa status from temporary visitor to any other visa or extending the visa

I initially came to japan as a student. Completed language school then enrolled at a vocational school. Then things happened and couple of bad decisions led me to leaving the school and getting a 特定活動 visa. The visa was about to expire and didn’t know what to do. So i went to the immigration and they gave me a 15 days of temporary visa, put a seal on that saying final extension and put a hole on my zairyuu card. I am lost at this point. I cannot go back to my country and I really want to keep studying. If i get a visa until April, I can enroll to another vocational school. Is there any way to stay in japan in any form of visa? My last option is applying for refugee status but I don’t want to go that path if I have a choice. This mental pressure is tearing me down and the last couple of months were very hard. I am very introverted and didn’t reach out for help all this time. I don’t know how long I can keep my sanity.

  1. I’d prepare for the flight home if I were you. That’s what the 15 days they gave you is for, preparing for your leave.

  2. Your options basically are either to apply for refugee status or asylum, if you qualify for either of those. I’d recommend that you consult with a lawyer right away if you can afford one.

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