Need advice on finding a new job after leaving the company

I’m currently working on an HSP visa.

I decided to leave the company without a guaranteed job. I know that I can still stay in Japan for at least 3 months because of my working visa, but I would like to know how difficult it is to land a new job without knowing Japanese.

I am a software engineer, but I don’t have JLPT certification. My notable credentials are the following:
– Master’s degree
– Worked for top companies
– Some research papers
– Expert Java proficiency

My salary is around 17M yen. I want to land a job that offers more, but I think there’s a higher possibility that I will get less.

Thank you for the answers 🙇‍♂️

  1. Work for a different “top” company (I’m assuming major tech company) that doesn’t require Japanese? Could you get a referral from someone who works at other companies where you know that doesn’t require Japanese?

    Not having job lined up and quitting is a bold move. Good luck, OP!

  2. Isn’t your HSP specifically tied to your current company? I don’t know.

    You might want to check that you’re not about to accidentally violate the terms of your SOR.

  3. I believe all FAANG level companies don’t require their devs to speak Japanese. I know at least Google and Amazon doesn’t. Moreover, in normal time, high paying (by Japanese standard) positions that don’t require Japanese is not as rare as people make it to be.

    The problem is we are kinda in an extraordinary time, and it’s the high paying companies that are doing layoff/hiring freeze/hiring slow. So if you move now, you might have to lower your expectation. If you haven’t hand in your notice yet, how about toughing it out a little longer?

    Anyway, last year I compiled this list of companies that can pay 12M and up that I have personal experience with, hopefully it can be useful for you.

    Keep in mind that in the intervening time, some companies on that list have gone on hiring freeze and/or layoff. SmartNews is the most recent I know of, which kinda hit close to home. Some people I know is still working there, and are now offered money to voluntary resign.

  4. There are very few companies to offer you more than that in Japan and you won’t be needing Japanese language proficiency to work for them. Not difficult to find them if you check the opensalary website. Start from there. Are you well prepared to go through big tech style interviews at the moment? If not 3 months might not be enough to secure an offer depending on your level of preparedness.

  5. 17mil jpy?! Sick salary dude, good job
    But good luck finding a similar pay, because that is general manager level right there

  6. What made you submit your resignation without having another job lined up?
    Timing wise, a lot of IT/tech companies are now on hiring freeze or even let people go like salesforce.

    With 17M JPY your options are a bit limited. My recommendation would be Wovn. They pay very high salaries compared to other companies here.

  7. I’d have had a job lined up before leaving personally….but I don’t know your full circumstances.

    Just get on the various job search sites and apply.

  8. >how difficult it is to land a new job without knowing Japanese.

    >My salary is around 17M yen. I want to land a job that offers more,

    Best of luck.

  9. What’s the lowest salary you’re willing to go down to?

    In this economy with all the layoffs and freezing hires and your visa being tied to your job…

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