Questions about JPDB!

Hey you all!

I’ve been using Wanikani to study my kanjis, and I love it. I’m also looking for a tool to create my own decks, and I just hate Anki 🙁 So i’ve been trying to use JPDB (so much content and the UI is awesome!).

The one think I don’t understand is – how does one studies more than one deck at a time? I have to keep switching the order of the decks I’ll pull the new words from; is there any other way (maybe hidden inside the Patreon configs) that I’m not aware of?

Also, the feature I love the most about WK is that I can **write** down the kanji/vocab word in Japanese (an check if I wrote it correctly). This helps me a LOT while learning, even more than just looking at the meaning in Japanese and its translation. Is there a way to make it work? Otherwise I’m thinking about writing a plugin for JPDB 😀


Thank you all 😀

  1. FYI, there’s a [jpdb subreddit]( and a [Discord server]( where such questions are more appropriate than here. (:

    (If you want a prompt answer then the Discord server’s probably your best bet.)

    > The one think I don’t understand is – how does one studies more than one deck at a time? I have to keep switching the order of the decks I’ll pull the new words from

    Yes, that’s how it currently works. It pulls new words from your top deck, so if you want to learn new words from a different deck you need to put it on the top. (In the future there will be an option to only review words from a given deck without changing their order, but it’s not there yet.)

    > I can write down the kanji/vocab word in Japanese (an check if I wrote it correctly) […] Is there a way to make it work?

    There are plans for something like that in the future, but not currently.

  2. For the writing down thing, you could get halfway there by having another tab of JPDB or your favorite japanese dictionary open. Then use the Japanese IME and handwriting on your computer (assuming it’s windows) to write into the search bar. If you find what you expected to find, you wrote it correctly.

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