preferred text reader?

Hello everyone,

Because I want to read more I plan on making web novels into .txt files and read them on a reader app with a pop-up dictionary. I’ve read about apps like Jade reader and Typhon reader which I can use on my android phone. Does anyone have any experience with these two (or another android app perhaps) and if so which did you prefer and why? Thanks in advance.

  1. both are free so you can just try and see for yourself. i prefer jade reader, and have been using it for a long time.

  2. I personally prefer [ttsu]( in Kiwi browser, because it looks clean.

    If you use a browser like Kiwi that allows you to load external plugins, you can then use [Yomichan]( – and Yomichan allows you to use any dictionary you want, instead of only the preinstalled dictionaries in the apps you mentioned.

    You can also combine this with [AnkiConnect Android]( to mine one-click cards from whatever you read into Anki. It’s pretty convenient.

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