Due to the sheer number of homophones with completely opposite meanings, Japanese is probably the best language to make puns.

Just a shower thought I had the other day, pretty much every single japanese joke I’ve seen is a sarcastic pun. What are some examples you have?

  1. Japanese is so easy to do this, it’s ridiculous, the most famous is probably 庭には、鶏がいる。(niwa niwa niwa tori ga iru, there is a chicken in the garden) . Interestingly, a lot of people who study Japanese may not be aware that while there are a lot of homophones, few Japanese words are actually pronounced exactly the same, for example we may think クモ (spider) and 雲 (cloud) are pronounced the same due to having the same hiragana reading, but they will be pronounced differently with different accent on the last syllable.

  2. One note is that because it is easy to make puns, puns are not really impressive as compared to other languages. Same with rhyme; because Japanese only has 5 vowels, it is very easy to form rhymes, so it is not as impressive as in other languages if a song rhymes, and it is why many Japanese songs don’t rhyme.

    The following is a *classical* classical Japanese waka example:

    >立ち別れ **いなば**の山の 峰に生ふる **まつ**とし聞かば 今帰り来む

    いなば: 因幡 (place name) and 往なば (往ぬ+ば: 去ったならば (if I leave))

    *Note that the verb 往ぬ no longer exists in modern Japanese.*

    まつ: 松 (pine) and 待つ (to wait)

    *Also note that to make these puns, the words are deliberately written in hiragana.*

    >Modern Japanese translation: 出立しお別れして、**去って行ったならば**、そこはもう**因幡(いなば)**の国です。その因幡山の峰に生えている**松**ではないけれど、「私を**待っている**」と聞いたならば、今すぐにも帰ってまいりましょう。

    >English translation by Clay MacCauley: Though we are parted, if on Mount Inaba’s peak I should hear the sound of the pine trees growing there, I’ll come back again to you.

  3. yes

    that’s why japanese humor is mostly centered around word play and puns (understandable only if you understand japanese)

    corollary: there is always a danger for anyone with a different cultural background when they try to be funny with a japanese person because

    1) the other party may not find it funny (literally);

    2) the other party may take seriously what was obviously not supposed to be

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