Kyoto, Japan 💚

Kyoto, Japan 💚

  1. I really need to make my way to Japan. It’s just so beautiful 😍

  2. That picture is really all that is lol. It’s a tiny spot of the park. The tea little spot on the other side i think has a better view BUT yea.. this here is iconic thanks to social media 😬

  3. I last went in August of 2018 and it looks different somehow. Maybe some of the trees had dropped their leaves or they have planted new trees since? It just seems so much greener than I remember. Looks beautiful. Maybe my memory is just fuzzy. It’s been a weird few years lol.

  4. I’m pretty sure if Moses really split the sea in half, it wouldn’t be as majestic a sight as this is! 💚🤍

  5. Sad that Kyoto is falling into really hard times at the moment, and that some of the cherished sites may go unmaintained in order to cut spending.

  6. I really hope that the majority of upvotes are from bots. No idea how this looks good to anyone, just an awful, low res artifact riddled shot…

  7. 私は日本で3年以上生活していますが、行ったことがあるところはまだ少なくて、京都は私の一番好きな都市ですが、私は一度も行ったことがなくて、本当に残念です

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