Job recommendations for part time work on student visa? Just wanna hear some anecdotes

Hey everyone. I’ve lived in Tokyo since April of last year. Before I came here, I worked some low end jobs in America throughout my 20s (food delivery, cashiering, pumping gas etc) cause I have no education. I saved up after a few years and used it to come here to language school. I’ve been careful with my savings but I’m getting anxious about it dwindling, and I wanna renew my visa and have the funds to show for it by July so I can go to senmon gakkou. I’m not too far off since I saved a ton, but basically I just wanna make more than minimum wage.

I have no degree in anything except an associates in liberal arts, and I’m not particularly very skilled in anything but I love people, talking with people, and I’m eager to learn. My Japanese is at about high N3 but I fucked up the last JLPT N2 test because I was missing a lot of vocab.

What part time jobs pay a bit more than the standard 1100yen/hr? Are there any or am I being too optimistic?

In the meantime I’ve been doing copywriting and transcribing on rev and fiverr but it’s chump change sadfully

  1. Most likely a nightshift job, a factory job or working with the elderly or something like that. Definitely check gaijin pot or indeed for something though.

  2. East coast up to Tohoku or anywhere south of Yamaguchi.

    People exaggerate, or simply don’t know the climate of Kyushu. It’s similar to Tokyo and East coast in winter, not warm.

    You’ll have to go to Okinawa for a warmer climate.

  3. Teach English?

    Part time English teachers are 2000-3000/hr. Both of my jobs were 3000 in Osaka, but I have seen on craigslist in that price range.

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