Japanese conbinis and supermarkets have a vast selection of ice cream / lacto-ice / popsicles, etc.

That said, what is your favorite?

Mine are:
– Milcrea – Chocolate
– 7-11 Marude (まるで) Series (seasonal fruit bars, currently they have Strawberries)
– Ice no Mi (アイスの実) – Mikan flavor
– Azuki Bar (あずきバー)
– Shirokuma (白クマ) – not the bar but the cup

  1. Lawson had a popsicle in late 2019 that was strawberry ice cream with fruit chunks, dipped in strawberry chocolate with crunchy bits and it was ***the best popsicle I’ve ever had***. I knew they’d probably disappear quickly, so one time I bought out my nearest store’s entire stock of them.

    The strawberry Milcrea scratches a similar itch, but it’s not the same!

  2. チョコモナカジャンボ is my favorite one if I were to choose between the ice cream that never fade away.

    There have been many other options that I have absolutely loved but they don’t last long.

  3. The Ohayo brand 濃厚生チョコ ones are incredible! I got them at a 7 supermarket. Would recommend!

  4. I’m not saying, because every time I say I like something they fucking *discontinue* it.

    Great topic! I find it interesting that we still love ice cream/bars in the dead of winter here.

  5. Morinaga 板 choco bar

    Morinaga ice cream sand


    All are S tier

    Famima own brand chocolate covered ice cream is S tier too.

    Black thunder ice cream is C-

  6. Lady Borden Coffee flavor, when I can find it.
    Also the berry macaron icecream at 7/11 is fire.

  7. ぎっしり満足チョコミント it’s not the best quality but the name fits whenever I have a Choco mint craving. Usually available all year round at my local family mart.

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