Job offer, no degree, very lost

Hello everyone!
I always come to reddit as a last resort and don’t know really why.
Recently I’ve been very lost with the next step I should take but the more I talk to people with the more lost I become.

I have a job opportunity here, I came as a student in a japanese school as it was the easy way for me to get in and in the meantime I was looking for a job.

I have found several companies willing to sponsor me but I keep hearing people telling me that even with a good sponsoring the immigration won’t le me have it.

The reason is that I’m 25 years old so I do not meet the requirments for the 10years experience
and I went to a community college where I spend two years without getting the diplome for private reasons.

I still have a high school degree but I know it counts aa nothing here.

On the other side, a lot of peopoe told me they were able to get a working visa and no problem with immigration even tho they didn’t have a degree.

I then contacted a few lawyers to talk about the situation and I got even more confused.. I know understand this is a case-by-case situation but which case am I ?! This is where I’m losing it ;;

I’ve been recommended to just go to school!! But I unfortunately don’t have enough to pay neither for a senmon gakkou nor a university, being 25 is hard and alone even more.
Also I see ya’ll, no I’m not gonna get married for the visa

Ah also good to precise that I have JLPT N1 and speak three languages too..

Has anyone beaten the immigration visa processing? Even without a degree? ;;

Thank you again and sorry in advance for the ranting.

1 comment
  1. It sounds like you have no other options so just apply for a working status with one of the companies. Try to choose the most respectful/largest one. If you get rejected, you leave Japan. But it sounds like not applying also means you leave Japan. So apply.

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