Japanese language class (21M)

Today I got language school class and there is this elderly korean guy in his 70’s – 80’s who asked me whether I would like to drink coffee or have some dinner with him after class. I never encountered a situation where someone that old would ask me to hang out, so postponed his request by saying that maybe tomorrow we could drink a coffee if he really wants.

Is it weird to hang out with someone 50 years older than you? I mean, I am afraid that he might be some kind of pervert? It could also just be that he wants to make friends. I don’t know. Mind sharing some thoughts with me?

  1. I don’t think it’s odd. He probably just wants to chat a bit. The older you get, the harder it is to make friends (or even find someone to listen to you once in a while).

    A 90+ year old guy chatted me up in Kurashiki. He was German, saw that I was a foreigner, and asked if I spoke German. I was confused (because I did not expect to hear my mother tongue out of nowhere), but said yes, and we sat there and talked for an hour or so.

    Super interesting guy.

  2. Old 70+ guys are almost the only jp people who come up to me for a chat and I really appreciate it. I don’t think it’s odd. I’d enjoy the chat if I were you. They usually have pretty interesting stories to tell.

  3. Lonely most likely. Probably why he goes to the language classes too. Anyway old people can have some interesting stories to share, and it would make his day having someone to chat to. Friends get harder to make the older you get.

  4. It’s not unusual. When I first started living in Japan there was an older guy here who paid me to do some private tutoring in English and he always wanted to meet at a local kissaten. He just wanted to drink coffee in a casual setting and have open conversations in English.

  5. Have a bit of a chat and gauge for yourself!
    Lots of Nihonjin are interested in talking with foreigners. Have numerous ojiisan friends from local sento, shop, barber, random Saitama guy. Regularly have a good chat. Thougherly enjoy it, great stories!

  6. I don’t think it’s unusual. I and my wife (early/mid 30s) frequently hang out with her Japanese teacher, a lovely lady in her 70s.

  7. Tbh go for it. I hang out with some of my eikaiwa students who are around there. Neat life perspectives

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