How to use the phrase/grammar: 事ってある?

I was watching a ‘TAKASHii from Japan’ video, and he was asking people:

[外国人は] 気をつけた方がいい事とか日本でしてはいけない事ってありますか。

Which roughly translates to, “Is there anything [that a foreigner]should look out for, or must not do in Japan?

What does the ことって mean in this usage? More so, how is って used?

Thanks 🙏

1 comment
  1. こと = literally “thing”

    日本でしてはいけない**こと** = **thing** that you must not do in Japan

    って is a casual way of saying は (or sometimes というのは, but in this case it’s just は)

    ありますか = is there?

    For these kinds of questions please use the simple questions thread stickied at the top of the sub.

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