Apparently, New Japan just released a reality-show equivalent of WWE’s “Tough Enough” called “The Spirit” airing on Fuji TV. Screenshots feature Okada and Liger as among the trainers.

Apparently, New Japan just released a reality-show equivalent of WWE’s “Tough Enough” called “The Spirit” airing on Fuji TV. Screenshots feature Okada and Liger as among the trainers.

  1. Just watched it. Like most Japanese TV, it’s super low budget; it’s more comparable to a YouTube video than a reality show. Still enjoyable, though, and it was interesting to see Liger play the drill sergeant.

    Each week, the nine trainees get a new guest trainer to take them through some drills. The two trainees who stand out are the 47-year-old Salaryman and the 15-year-old Junior High School kid.

    SPOILERS for the episode…

    >! I thought it was really unfair for Liger to get angry at the trainees for ‘giving up’ the exercise when it was him who told them to stop. The trainees were just following the coaches orders. It would be rude for them to disobey him !<

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