Good Japanese Grammar Practise?

I am trying to find new ways of learning and putting the grammars to use, i am around N4- low N3 level. As much grammar as i have learned through genki and quartet, i dont remember most of them due to not actually using them. I use Anki often for repetition of words and i have some grammar but they dont really get into my head. I saw there is another Anki Deck about grammar which seems pretty good but it has around 4000 notes, and Anki for me sometimes messes up where it doesnt show certain cards for a very, very, very, very long time… So does anyone have any ideas or methods?

I also recently started to watch Japanese Ammo with Misa and Miku Real Japanese, they have been pretty informative but i feel like i might forget it soon.

  1. 1. Like hire a teacher and be very clear you want to practice speaking.

    2. Every time, before your lesson, pick a few grammar points. Try to speak with using those.

    3. Ask teacher if you used them properly. Get feedback.

    4. Record your feedback and figure out which grammar points you need to improve and study those

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